Membership in the Religious Society of Friends is a public acknowledgment that a person seeks to live under the guidance of the divine Spirit and in unity with a particular Meeting community, within the larger historical context of Friends’ faith and practice. Members commit to caring one for another, nurturing spiritual and personal growth of others and oneself, and accepting responsibility for the work and financial basis of the Meeting. Membership in the Society of Friends is always through a particular Meeting.
Regular attenders are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the Meeting – in worship, forums, business meetings, committee work, Spiritual Friendship Circles, and social gatherings. Attenders may take leadership positions in all aspects of the Meeting except on the Ministry and Counsel Committee, or as Clerk or Assistant Clerk.
When attenders are interested in membership, they should write a letter to the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting to express their leading toward joining the Society of Friends. To assist the applicant through a discernment process, the letter will generally be read at a Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business (MWAB), followed by formation of a Clearness Committee.
Under the care of Ministry and Counsel, the Clearness Committee will meet with the prospective member. If all are clear, a proposal for membership will be brought forward at the next appropriate MWAB.